SRA Podcasts

SRA is pleased to offer two new podcasts available online: SRA Literature and SRA Speakers. The Sexual Recovery Anonymous Podcasts are for people recovering from sex addiction or who think they may be addicted. 

SRA Literature

Listen to some of the basic literature of Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA), a 12-Step program for people recovering from sex addiction.  This podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Castbox. You can also subscribe manually with this RSS link.

SRA Speakers

Listen to individual members of SRA sharing the experience, strength, and hope of their recovery process. To protect the anonymity of our members, this podcast is only available through the podcast homepage or by subscribing manually using the RSS link. For instructions on how to subscribe using the RSS link, click here.

The Sexual Recovery Anonymous Podcasts are produced by the General Service Board of SRA.

How To Share Your Story

If you are a member of the SRA fellowship and wish to share your story or would like guidance on how to begin recording at your home meeting, please contact us for more information at