Am I a Sex Addict?

The SRA General Service Board has published the following series of statements from SRA members that describe their feelings and behaviors around sex addiction.  These statements might help you answer the question: Am I a sex addict? And help decide if you belong.

Note – these are also available in Spanish on the website of the SRA General Service Board.

Am I a Sex Addict?

  • I think about sex or romantic relationships most of the time.
  • I often feel shame, regret or remorse after sexual fantasy or behavior.
  • I want to stop masturbating but I can’t.
  • I have difficulty staying monogamous in a relationship.
  • I break promises to myself to stop my unwanted sexual behavior.
  • My sexual behavior isolates me from my friends, family, etc.
  • My obsession with pornography interferes with my real relationships.
  • I obsessively sexualize people on the street.
  • I put myself at risk of sexually- transmitted diseases.
  • I’ve been afraid of my “double life” and sexual secrets being discovered.
  • I’ve spent a great deal of time or money on sex.
  • I have felt compelled to seek new sexual or romantic highs.
  • My sexual behavior has put me in dangerous situations.
  • I have hurt myself or others as a result of my sexual behavior.
  • I have engaged in any of the following: voyeurism; exhibitionism; anonymous sex; phone sex; trading for sex; paying for or being paid for sex; abusive sex.
  • I have been unable to say no to other people’s sexual advances.
  • I have risked or lost my job because of my sexual behavior.
  • I feel empty when not in a sexual or romantic relationship.
  • I feel sex is my most important need.
  • I am obsessed with romantic possibilities.
  • I flirt even when I don’t mean to.
  • I obsess about a specific person or act even though it may be painful.
  • I confuse sex with love.
  • My sexual behavior has made my life unmanageable.

Do I belong in SRA?

Sex addiction is a self-diagnosed disease. The above statements are an aid to help you decide if you are addicted. If you have related to any of these statements, SRA may be a place where you can find help. You are not alone.

Learn More about Sex Addiction and SRA


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