Site icon Sexual Recovery Anonymous

A Workshop on Inclusivity

Addressing under-representation in SRA and becoming a more welcoming fellowship.

Would you like to see a more inclusive SRA fellowship?

How can we better carry the message to all who are still suffering? Are there ways we can individually make our meetings welcoming to those who identify as different from us?

Join us for a one-hour online workshop on developing inclusivity within the fellowship and to support our 12th-step work of carrying the SRA message to the still sick and suffering sex addict, led by a professional presenter with 12-Step experience.

Drop-ins welcome! No RSVP required!

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 3:00 – 4:00 P.M.

Zoom details: ID: 210 370 1438

Passcode: SRA12

You can e-mail the Inclusivity Committee at if you are planning to attend!

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